ECORBIT Introduces Advanced 'Smart Safety Solution' Based on AI IoT
- Introducing smart safety solutions and LG U+
- After the first introduction to a medical waste incineration subsidiary, ECORBIT will be expanded to all business sites for incineration and landfill.
ECORBIT (CEO Choi In-ho) announced on the 20th that it will introduce a smart safety solution of LG U+ (CEO Hwang Hyun-sik) to create a safer working environment at the workplace.
ECORBIT is the largest comprehensive environmental company in Korea that carries out environmental projects such as waste incineration, landfill, water treatment, and waste battery recycling.
The smart safety solution introduced by ECORBIT is an AI (Artificial Intelligence) and IoT (Internet of Things)
based solution consisting of smart safety equipment, AI forklifts, and driver behavior analysis solutions.
Smart safety equipment attaches a separate IoT sensor to existing safety helmets, safety rings, and seat belts to detect whether workers wear safety equipment correctly and provide information to managers.
In addition, body cam, body cam, which can be confirmed in real-time situation, and thermal imaging cameras that can be introduced.
The solution will be first applied to ECORBIT Energy Gyeongju, a large business site where waste collection and transportation facilities and medical waste incineration and steam power generation facilities are gathered together.
Since then, it will be expanded to the nationwide incinerators and landfill business sites.
ECORBIT signed an MOU with LG U+ on the 17th to introduce this solution.
The signing ceremony was held at the LG U+ office building in Yongsan, and major executives of the two companies,
including Shin Hong-jae, head of Energy BU, and Lim Jang-hyuk, head of LG U+'s corporate new business group, attended.
Through this MOU, ECORBIT will preemptively introduce solutions,
and LG U+ will actively cooperate in the development and distribution of smart safety solutions by receiving on-site data necessary for further development.
"We expect that LG U+'s introduction of smart safety solutions will further upgrade ECORBIT safety system and waste disposal capabilities," an ECORBIT official said.
"As the nation's largest environmental company, we will make various business attempts to improve workers' safety and efficiency in the company said.